Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'll be discussing games that I have played on the 360 and Wii since I own those systems. I don't have a PS3 because honestly I thought the pricetag was a bit too high to buy one, even now. Despite not reviewing and exclusive PS3 games, I'm open to discussing those games since there are some cool ones to be talked about.


Typically, any review of anything will utilize some sort of ratings system. I will do the same here. I have 5 categories I'll rate between 1 and 5 1 being utter crap and 5 being game nirvana. So, categorically, I'll rate based on Story; story's very important, or why would anyone want to play? Controls; because if you can't play it, you won't. Features; more doesn't neccessarily mean better. Difficulty; too easy, not worth it.... same goes for too hard. Visuals; not that important to me but many people out there like shiny stuff.

While I will try to update as often as possible based on games I have or am playing, I'm not going to be finishing a game every week. I just don't have the time to devote to most games to do that. Also, I'll probably throw in some reviews of other media, be it books, movies or TV shows. Just to spice things up.

I encourage debates, which is why anyone can comment on my posts. Just remember that everyone is human and try to be nice.